Toward Control? The Prospects and Challenges of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine Introduction


Megan E Carey, Zoey I Diaz, Martin Broadstock, Roderick Bailey, Adwoa D Bentsi-Enchill, Heidi J Larson


With a newly World Health Organization (WHO)–prequalified typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV), Gavi funding for eligible countries, and a WHO policy recommendation for TCV use, now is the time for countries to introduce TCVs as part of an integrated typhoid control program, particularly in light of the increasing burden of antimicrobial resistance. Continued vaccine development efforts will lead to secure supply of low-cost vaccines, and ongoing vaccine studies will provide critical vaccine performance data and inform optimal deployment strategies, in both routine use and in outbreak settings. TCV programs should include thoughtful communication planning and community engagement to counter vaccine hesitancy.

Click here to read the article, published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.