Ovarian abscess caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi: a case report


Aneley Getahun S., Josese Limaono, Raween Ligaitukana, Orisi Cabenatabua, Vika Soqo, Raape Diege, Mikaele Mua


A 14-year-old iTaukei (indigenous Fijian) girl presented to our hospital with abdominal pain of 1 month’s duration. Two days prior to her admission, she developed high-grade fever and nausea and had one episode of vomiting. On presentation, she appeared unwell; she was tachycardic (116 beats per minute) and febrile (38.8 °C). Her abdominal examination revealed generalized tenderness. Other examination findings were normal. The provisional diagnosis of abdominal sepsis led to an emergency laparotomy during which an enlarged right ovary was found to be spontaneously discharging pus. The ovary was incised and drained, and the patient was commenced on intravenous ceftriaxone 1 g twice daily, cloxacillin 1 g four times daily, and metronidazole 500 mg three times daily. She recovered promptly and was discharged to home on the sixth postoperative day. The purulent material from the ovary grew Salmonella Typhi.

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